April 2021
The Journey Towards Carbon Neutral Housing
The government are currently undergoing consultation on ‘The Future Homes Standard’ which is set to fundamentally change the way we think about construction. The standards will complement the Building Regulations to ensure new homes are built to higher energy standards and are set to act as a road map for the industry to reach the net zero target in 2050.
April 2021
New Models of Care
Negative stereotypes of ageing within society are being overhauled. Chronological age is no longer seen as a determinant of health or frailty, and ageing is now seen as a fulfilling and active process. Due to increasing life expectancy, retirement is seen as an active time of life.
February 2021
Innovation Village and Modern Methods of Construction
IDP collaborated closely with Home Group and Engie to develop the proposals of 41 houses which were completed in 2019 as a live test site. The scheme tests five different MMC methods alongside traditional building techniques which were used as a control for testing.
November 2020
Use of a Digital Twin
In light of the COVID Pandemic, a digital twin can form the basis of the revolutionised consultation process. Providing a virtual twin means that proposals can be easily understood and commented on by the community from the comfort of their own homes.
November 2020
Covid 19 Town Centre Regneration Toolkit
In light of the changes to the traditional high street due to the increase in online shopping and the recent pandemic, IDP have been commissioned by several local authorities to look at the regeneration of their town centres.
November 2020
Modern Methods of Construction
Modern Methods of Construction are now becoming more widely used within the construction industry. IDP have extensive knowledge in the suitability of different projects through our work on Innovation Village, Gateshead.