Canford Park, Poole

Location: Bearwood, Poole
Client: Barrett David Wilson Homes
Status: Ongoing


Project Description:

For Barratt David Wilson Homes Southampton, IDPartnership prepared design proposals for part of the Canford Park development adjacent to Bearwood, Poole. In 2018, planning permission was achieved for 324 new homes (including 130 affordable homes), along with public open space, 14.3 hectares of SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) and a 5.81 hectare landscaped corridor linking the residential area with the SANG.

The scheme has been designed with careful regard to the setting of the site and also to the ecological constraints identified, which include the provision of a 20 metre wide landscape buffer along the eastern boundary. The development cells are arranged as stepping stones on plateaus which relate to the change in levels north to south. A number of landscaped corridors (green links) are accommodated between the development cells on an east-west axis.